Tuesday 26 July 2011

Positive song :)

Something about this song i found really uplifting, 'Love me or not' by Dub FX, whose incredible vocal talents continue to astound... 'Tomorrow morning what will the world bring' being the key lyric :)

Sunday 8 May 2011

“Look at you. You’re young. And you’re scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?”


So deep and dark from where it grows
This emptiness that i truly know
An ethereal moment, frozen in time
A memory of sweetness, of a touch sublime
Of not knowing, never knowing, was i right?
The curse is you will never know, and so take flight
Run from here, go far away
To where the world is no longer grey
But wait, this place, it isn't real...
And within its walls you will never feel
The way you felt as you looked into those eyes
And the way your heart skipped and jumped inside
The way those words poured forth like wine
And drunk on happiness you would both recline
In your hands you held it all
But you see, this world, it can be cruel
For trapped between two different ties
With a tiny flicker some of your soul dies...

Little soldiers


Saturday 7 May 2011

There are people whom one loves immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world with one is quite enough.
-Nancy Spain

The same tree... and again....

How many times has this tree starred in my pictures!? Since it lies on my favourite jogging route i have seen it in so many seasons... I just thought i'd share a few of my favourites :)

yes this is the same..



Sunday 3 April 2011

An old classic

Ok, so i wrote this one years ago, and i still play it today so i thought id deserved to go up here, even if the recording doesnt do it much justice :)

Just playin around...

Hardcore spill canvas fans might notice that i stole a bit of the riff... but at least im admitting to it! It kinda falls apart at the beginning and end but here goes...

Sunday 27 March 2011


A poem sent to me by a friend... definately worthy of note, might even make it up there to new favourite poem...

Nicolas Guillen - 
a bilingual anthology
translated by Keith Ellis
published 2003

from Love Poems (1933-1971)
a love poem

I don't know.  I'm really not aware of it.
I have no idea how long I went 
without finding her again.
Perhaps a century?  Maybe.
Maybe a little less:  ninety-nine years.
Or one month?  Could be.  In any case
an enormous, enormous, enormous length of time. 

Finally, like a rose in sudden full bloom, 
like an unexpected trembling bell flower, 
came the news.
Knowing in a flash
that I would see her again, that I would have her
near, tangible, real, as in my dreams:
What a suppressed explosion!
What noiseless thunder
circulating in my veins,
bursting up there
under my blood, in a 
nocturnal storm!
And finding her, right away?  And our way
of greeting each other so that nobody
would understand
that that was our own way?
A slight rubbing, an electric contact,
a conspiratorial squeeze, a certain look, 
a throbbing of the heart
shouting, howling with silent voice.

(it's something you've known since you were fifteen)
that fluttering of pent-up words, 
words spoken with lowered eyes, 
penitential words,
spoken among enemy witnesses.
It is still
a love of "I love you,"
of "you"--spoken with formal distance--,
of "I would really like to
but it's impossible..." of "we can't,
no, think again about this..."
It is that sort of love,
it is a love of springtime abyss,
courteous, cordial, happy, fatal.
Then, the good-bye,
of the generic kind,
among the swarm of friends.
Watching her leave and loving her like never before,
following her with my eyes,
and then, without my eyes continue seeing her far away,
way in the distance, and still following her
even further, seeing her,
made of the night, 
of bites, kisses, insomnia,
poison, ecstasy, convulsions,
sighs, blood, death...
of that well-known substance
with which we compose a star.


Friday 25 March 2011

We're being watched...

My homecity :)

So, i realised that ive added so many pics of foreign, weird and wonderful places that i've been, but not any of the city i've lived in for the last 5 years... and as im potentially coming up to the end of my stay here i thought it was time to stroll down memory lane a bit...

So here are a few pics of a few places that have meant something to me
at some time or other... sadly  my battery died before i got to the interesting
 part of the city... but that just gives me an excuse to go and finish my tour! 

The christmas step... a landmark certainly worthy of note :) I have been up and down these more times than i can remember... whether stumbling up them drunk after a night out ( a feat which could take up to 45mins to achieve... or running down them late for something important...

And aha... i'm not even going to comment on why the sign below is memorable! 

So many good nights...