Friday 31 December 2010

More art..

These are a few paintings i did a while ago for someone special! you know who you are :) Miss you!

Sunday 26 December 2010

As the world turns...

When winter hits home...

 So we had a white christmas at last... and it is so sad that i have now reached the age that snow quickly becomes tiresome and an inconvenience! But at the same time i cannot deny that it makes the world beautiful, and turned my boxing day run (in an attempt to make myself feel slightly better about my sheer gluttony) into an eye-opening morning. 

This, my favourite tree and thinking-spot, now looks lost in the desolate landscape. The white of the snow enhances the sheer emptiness and bleakness of the view...

And these... the sweeping hills of the fields around my home,
Bleak yet beautiful

An ethereal morning

Beauty in the dirty-white of week-old snow

Silhouettes against the sky... 

This is my favorite picture from that
 morning, it almost captures how cold the morning truly was, and has an almost eerie feel...

A frozen sunrise...

Seasons change...


My favorite tree caught in two seasons... Bright and full of life in summer, the shrouded in ice in the depths of winter... Both pictures were taken just while out jogging across the fields... only by chance did i see they were so similar!

Wednesday 22 December 2010


It's almost Africa!

Smile for the camera!!


A sinking city...

Venice... with water lapping at the door

Evening falls

The bridge stretching out over the river running through prague... cutting the city in half

The two sides of Prague..

The traditional...

The modern...

Darker side of Bratislava...

Lost in the dark underground of Slovakia's capital...

Standing in the Amazon..

As the sun goes down

Sitting on a peninsula overlooking the croatian sea, just watching as the sun slowly makes its way down the sky...

The view from the  castle in Pula...


A fading dream,
Or did you truly mean
To catch my breath within your chest
And snatch these words from upon my lips
To take and run with all I am
Left straining and pressing yet out of reach
Afraid to look up lest we tumble down

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Saturday 18 December 2010


A lonely trail through the forest

On the edge

A view over the precipice... 


A sky like no other